Dutch healthcare
General information about healthcare in the Netherlands
General practitioner (GP)
The initial contact for all medical issues in the Netherlands is the GP (huisarts = family doctor). His main work is treating patients for basic medical problems and providing consultations for most of the general health questions. He serves as a link for hospitalisation or to further investigations by specialists, physiotherapists etc. The GP keeps your record up to date and prescribes your medication. It is therefore essential, especially when your health is a problem, to look for a GP nearby after settling in the Netherlands.
Sometimes in contrary of other countries, the dutch GP’s are generally cautious in prescribing medicines especially antibiotics and making referrals to hospitals or other health institutions (called second line health care).
Dutch health care system is divided into 3 categories (lines):
First line (eerste lijn) |
GP and supplementary care (physiotherapists, dentists etc.) |
Second line (tweede lijn) |
Non academic hospitals for less specialised care. |
Third line (derde lijn) |
Academic hospitals (only for complicated health issues and research) |
In general the GP makes a referral to a particular second line hospital. In case of a very complicated and severe health problem it will be a third line hospital.
Second line hospitals nearby (less than 50 km) are Martini Ziekenhuis Groningen, Ommelander Ziekenhuis Scheemda, Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis Assen and Nij Smellinghe in Drachten.
Third line (university) hospital nearby is UMCG in the centre of Groningen
More information about Dutch healthcare esp. about GP’s, can be found for instance in the following links:
https://www.iamexpat.nl/expat-info/dutch-healthcare-system/general-practitioners-gp-doctors-netherlands and
GP office Niekerk
Our practice offers you several online options (see “patiëntenomgeving/ patiëntenomgeving’). In using these options you have to make an online account. In order to safeguard your privacy we ask you to show your identity card to one of our medical assistants in order to check your identity and data and when necessary to fill in some extra information. A personal email address is necessary to activate your account.
We can provide you with an English version of the “Praktijkfolder = General practitioner information folder” of our GP office. In this folder you can read (in short!) about the time schedule, holidays and services of our practice.
Look also for “Nieuws = News” information on holidays / eduacation of personal. When closed medical care, in case of emergency, is given by Huisartsenpraktijk Aduard (www.huisartsenpraktijkaduard.nl)
Next holiday (1 week!) Monday 23 December until Friday 27 December 2024.